Call for Abstract

30th Annual Summit on Neuroscience & Neurological Disorders, will be organized around the theme “Theme: Explore the Latest Research on Neurodegenerative Diseases”

Neurological Disorders 2024 is comprised of 21 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Neurological Disorders 2024.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Parkinson's disease is characterized by the loss of brain cells, or funiculus cells, which over time leads to dysfunction and incapacity that mostly affects neurons that produce dopamine in a very particular region where cells produce dopamine. Parkinson's disease signs gradually worsen over time. Typically, they start with a slight tremor in one hand and a feeling of stiffness throughout the whole.

  • Tremor or shaking
  • Slowed movement
  • Rigid muscles
  • Speech changes

The nervous system is a sophisticated network of nerves that coordinates its functions by sending and receiving messages to and from various parts of the body. The regrowth or repair of neural tissues, cells, or cell components is referred to as neuroregeneration. In particular, stem cell therapy, which is the topic of continuing research, represents a customized, localized, and probably successful alternative in patient care. Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's disease (PD), and other central nervous system (CNS) illnesses are characterized by the damage, degradation, and death of brain cells.

Any operation carried out on the medulla spinalis or the brain is referred to as neurosurgery. It is the branch of medicine that deals with treating problems that affect any part of the nervous system, as well as the brain, neural structure, peripheral nerves, and vascular system, through prevention, diagnosis, surgical intervention, and rehabilitation. The area of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and care of the central, peripheral, and autonomic nervous systems is known as neurosurgery. Patients of all ages are treated in the neurosurgical discipline. A neurological surgeon may offer surgical and/or non-surgical care depending on the kind of injury or disease. Neurosurgeons handle both surgical and non-surgical management of neurological illnesses, including their prevention, diagnosis, evaluation, treatment, critical care, and rehabilitation.

  • Vascular neurosurgery

  • Pediatrics neurosurgery

  • Neurological & Psychiatric Disorders

Under the umbrella of neurology, there is a subspecialty called autonomic neurology that deals with the study of the body's and the nervous system's automatic functions. Treatment for neurons that affect heartbeat, vein enlargement or narrowing, swallowing, and other conditions is included in involuntary neurology. Different types of illnesses are caused by the dynamic degradation of the neural cells in the involuntary system.

The field of science known as neurophysiology examines the bioelectric activity of the brain, whether it is induced or spontaneous. It discusses the pathophysiology of diseases and clinical methods for CNS and PNS disease diagnosis. We can precisely determine the extent of brain damage thanks to the branch.

  • Electromyography

  • Evoked potentials

  • Intraoperative monitoring

It is a subspecialty of neurology that focuses with the diagnosis, treatment, and management of neurological disorders that are prevalent due to the effects of aging. Furthermore, it addresses the specialized observation of the aging central nervous system and its vulnerability to certain medical speciality problems. Insanity, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, gait abnormalities, and the effects of drugs on the nervous system are all included in this study of neurology.

The study of how medications affect cellular processes, the nervous system, and the neural system through which they affect behavior is known as neuropharmacology. Neuropharmacology has two subspecialties: behavioral and molecular. Behavioural science primarily focuses on how drugs affect human behavior, especially how drug addiction and dependence affect the brain. With the ultimate goal of creating medications that have positive impacts on neurological function, molecular neuropharmacology encompasses the study of neurons and their neurochemical communication.

The scientific field known as "neurogenetics" combines genetics with neurology. Since genes play a competitive role in the development of the nervous system, it is also the study of the function and event of the nervous system. Neurogenetics may be used to diagnose a wide variety of conditions. It investigates how genetics affects how the nervous system develops and works. It bases itself primarily on the finding that individuals' neurological systems, even those of members of the same species, may not be similar. It views neural features as phenotypes.

It is a science that combines immunology and neurobiology, or the study of the immune system and the brain system separately. Neuro immunologists have a better understanding of how these two complex systems interact. The purpose of neuro immunology research is to increase our knowledge of the pathogenesis of specific neurologic illnesses with unclear causes. Recent pharmaceutical therapies for numerous neurologic disorders are made possible thanks in part to neuro immunology.

  • Auto immune neuropathies

  • Neuroimmuno genetics

  • Neurovirology

According to some sources, the study of brain and medulla spinalis malignancies is known as neuro-oncology. Nervous system cancers are frequently grave and critical. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy have occasionally been used to extend survival. The medical specialty of neuro oncology deals with tumors of the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves. Numerous clinical trials are overseen by Neuro-Oncology, which focuses on common primary brain malignancies such glioblastoma, medulloblastoma, anaplastic astrocytoma, low-grade astrocytoma, and recurrences of various glioma types.  Specialists in the treatment and management of primary, metastatic central and peripheral nervous system tumors, neurologic side effects of cancer, and other related illnesses include neuro-oncologists.

The medical specialty known as neuropsychiatry deals with mental illnesses brought on by problems with the neurological system. Both neurology and psychiatry are included. It is also closely related to the fields of behavioral neurology and neuropsychology. 

The area of medicine known as neurology deals with conditions affecting the nervous system, which includes the brain, blood vessels, muscles, and nerves. The central, peripheral, and involuntary nervous systems make up the majority of neurology.

  • Central Nervous system
  • Nervous system
  • General neurology
  • Cerebrovascular disease

Both neurology and psychology are covered by neuropsychology. It is the investigation and analysis of the behavioural changes that result from a brain injury or illness. A sophisticated medical procedure called neurorehabilitation aids in the recovery from nervous system damage or minimizes any functional changes.

  • Cortical remapping
  • Clearly requiring controlled
  • Intensive stimulation of impaired brain networks

Alzheimer's disease is a problem with the neuronal structure. The most well-known form of insanity is Alzheimer's disease, a conglomeration of disorders that impairs mental function. Alzheimer's disease is progressive and incurable. Cognitive state is one of the most important early warning signs, along with changes in identity or behaviour and a progressive decline in various intellectual and cognitive capacities, also known as intellectual capacities.

  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
  • Stroke related dementia

A specialization of both neurology and ophthalmology, neuro-ophthalmology treats visual issues that are linked to the neurological system, that is, issues with vision unrelated to the eyes themselves. Almost half of our brains are engaged in tasks linked to eyesight. Specialist education and experience in issues involving the eye, brain, nerves, and muscles are required of neuro-ophthalmologists. After graduating from medical school, these doctors complete at least five years of clinical training. They are typically board-certified in ophthalmology, neurology, or both. The ability to assess patients from the perspectives of neurology, ophthalmology, and medicine allows neuro-ophthalmologists to diagnose and treat a wide range of conditions.

A specialized area of medicine known as pediatric neurology, often known as child neurology, deals with the diagnosis and treatment of neurological problems in neonates (newborns), babies, children, and teenagers. The field of child neurology includes conditions that affect people in various age groups and affect the spinal cord, brain, peripheral nervous system, autonomic nervous system, muscles, and blood vessels. A pediatric neurologist has the specialized skills and knowledge to evaluate, identify, and treat children who have neurological issues. Pediatric neurologists treat a wide range of illnesses, from relatively straightforward problems like migraine or cerebral palsy to more difficult and uncommon conditions like metabolic disease or neurodegenerative disorders.

The capability of neuronal networks in the brain to alter through development and rearrangement is known as neuroplasticity, sometimes known as neural plasticity or brain plasticity. These alterations might be subtle, like new connections made along individual neuronal pathways, or more systematic, like cortical remapping. Circuit and network modifications brought on by learning a new skill, contextual factors, repetition, and psychological stress are a few examples of neuroplasticity. Structural neuroplasticity and functional neuroplasticity are two different types of neuroplasticity.

The study of neurons at the cellular level is the focus of the field of neuroscience known as cellular neuroscience. Cellular neuroscience studies the diverse neuronal types, their functions, how they interact with one another, and how they influence one another. This article evaluates recent developments in our understanding of the anatomy, genetics, molecular biology, and sophisticated physiological methods used in the formation and operation of the central nervous system.

Examined are the molecular biology and physiology of neurons. Particular focus will be placed on cellular, genetic, and molecular mechanisms. All animals share the majority of the mechanisms that give rise to the nervous system, if not all of them, although model organisms were frequently used to uncover these mechanisms.

The scientific study of how the central nervous system (CNS) works while in space is known as space neuroscience. Living systems are able to coordinate posture, locomotion, and eye movements as well as integrate sensory inputs to traverse their surroundings. These processes are fundamentally governed by gravity. Because gravity is no longer felt during free-fall, it is more difficult to integrate sensory inputs and coordinate motor responses while in weightlessness.

A focused neurological loss that develops quite suddenly may be the most typical way that a stroke manifests. The two main types of strokes are ischemic and haemorrhagic. A cerebral blood artery becomes blocked during an ischemic stroke, which results in cerebral infarction. A degree of accuracy can be achieved in identifying the specific vessel that is occluded by using knowledge of the stroke syndromes, the signs and symptoms that correspond to the region of the brain supplied by each vessel, and the temporal evolution of the syndrome, from which the underlying cause of vascular occlusion is frequently inferred.

  • Vascular Malformations
  • Carotid Artery Disease
  • Venous Sinus Thrombosis
  • Intracranial Vascular Disease

The primary cause of neurological disorders is the neuron's progressive loss of function and structure. Neurons may potentially die as a result of it. medicine Diseases like Parkinson's, ALS, Huntington's, etc. may be brought on by disorders. However, some illnesses are incurable, therefore despite numerous analysis items happening, they are still continuing. It progresses to the death or degeneration of nerve cells. Different clinical alternatives and psychological feature behaviour are brought on by this degeneration.

  • Poor or Weaker judgment
  • Changes in personality, such as being agitated, scared, suspicious, or inappropriate
  • Sudden symptom, weakness, or loss of eyesight